Moving Kids
- Conceptualization, development and adaptation of the Moving Kids toy® to the city of Guimarães for licensing to Science4you, for production and packaging purposes. The toy is aimed at all 4th grade children in public school education in the Municipality of Guimarães, in the school year 2021/2022.
Inês Guedes de Oliveira (coord.) | UAveiro
Teresa Freire (coord.) | UMinho
Alice Martins | Science4you
Ana Justino | ProChild CoLAB
Daniela Vieira | Science4you
Gabriela Trevisan | ProChild CoLAB
Inês Martins | Science4you
Isabel Soares | UMinho
Joana Lemos | Science4you
Manuel Sarmento | UMinho
Marcos Rebelo | Science4you
Mariana Carvalho | ProChild CoLAB
Miguel Pina Martins | Science4you
Patrícia Ferreira | Câmara Municipal de Guimarães
Pedro Seromenho | Escritor infantojuvenil
Moving Kids