ProChild CoLAB Data Repository

ProChild CoLAB Data Repository

  • Development of a data architecture capable of collecting, integrating, processing and storing data from various institutions, such as the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa or the Municipality of Guimarães, as well as statistical data (e.g., National Institute of Statistics) in order to create an advanced Digital Data Visualization Platform that allows to know the reality of the childrens (ProChild CoLAB Digital Platform).

Amélia Bastos | ISEG (Coord.)
Ana Lima (coord.) | Centro de Computação Gráfica

Adriana Sampaio | UMinho
Ana Mesquita | UMinho
Alexandra Ribeiro | ProChild CoLAB
Daniel Dias | ProChild CoLAB
Fábio Teixeira | ProChild CoLAB
Jaime Pereira | ProChild CoLAB
Leonor Rodrigues | ProChild CoLAB
Liliana Fernandes | Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP)

ProChild CoLAB Data Repository
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