Child & Adversity

Child & Adversity

  • The main objective of this project is to understand how emotional and social functioning of children (24 – 72 months old) and their family can be affected by the negative experience of adverse events during childhood.

Marlene Sousa | ProChild CoLAB (coord.)
Isabel Soares| CIPsi UMINHO (coord.)

Adriana Sampaio | CIPsi UMINHO
Ana Mesquita | CIPsi UMINHO
Daniel Dias | ProChild CoLAB
Gabriela Silvestrini | CIPsi UMINHO
Helena Grangeia | ProChild CoLAB
Leonor Bettencourt Rodrigues | ProChild CoLAB
Maria Fernanda Almeida | CNPDPCJ
Mariana Amorim | ProChild CoLAB
Marlene Matos | CIPsi UMINHO
Paula Castiajo | CIPsi UMINHO

Child & Adversity
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