Learning is (a) +

Learning is (a) +

  • Promote collaborative work between schools and the cultural community, in order to foster initiatives of non-formal education, generating well-being, will for learning and improvements in school success;
  • Promote a greater articulation of artistic, playful and creative education initiatives in schools through the creation of artistic projects developed by children;
  • To think the school as a space and context of learning, leisure and enjoyment of children, through intervention in outdoor spaces/playgrounds;
  • Develop continuing training actions aimed at local stakeholders on the importance of artistic education, ludicity and creativity in learning and development of personal skills;
  • Implement a program of intervention of peer tutoring, focused on the academic and socio-emotional needs of children attending basic education, in schools in the Pevidém Learning Field. 

Learning is (a) +

The Other Side of the School

  • Reflect on different ways of thinking about the school with teachers and operational assistants.
  • Promote skills and knowledge of teachers and operational assistants on the promotion of well-being and personal and emotional skills of children, from the value of non-formal education, play and the relationship and interaction between peers.
  • Support teachers and operational assistants in the development of initiatives that promote the well-being and personal and emotional skills of children.
  • Promote interventions at school (recess), through the modification/creation of routines and structures for playing, which enhance the child’s space and allow positive interactions between adults and children;
  • Promote the active and active voice of the child in the school environment, valuing their perspective and ability to decide on relevant and significant themes for them.
  • Promote a participatory environment at school, involving children, professionals, families, among others.

Inês Guedes de Oliveira (coord.) | UAveiro
Teresa Freire (coord.) | UMinho

Alexandra Ribeiro | ProChild CoLAB
Cidália Silva | EA-UM
Gabriela Bento | ProChild CoLAB
Gabriela Trevisan | ProChild CoLAB
Helena Grangeia | ProChild CoLAB
Manuel Sarmento | IE-UM
Mariana Carvalho | ProChild CoLAB
Marlene Sousa | ProChild CoLAB
Natália Fernandes | IE-UM

Learning is (a) +

The School Upside Down

  • Implement models of non-formal education in promoting children’s social and personal skills, through plastic expression and the relationship with space.
  • Reflect on different ways of designing and organizing the school.
  • Promote personal and emotional skills in children.
  • Promote the active and active voice of the child in the school environment, valuing their perspective and ability to decide on relevant and significant themes for them.
  • Promote a participatory environment at school, involving children, professionals, families, among others.
  • Recognizing the school as a physical and relational space
  • Designing the school space from the perspective of the child’s well-being.

Inês Guedes de Oliveira (coord.) | UAveiro
Teresa Freire (coord.) | UMinho

Alexandra Ribeiro | ProChild CoLAB
Alice Guimarães | EB1 Gondar
Cidália Silva | EA/UMinho
Gabriela Bento | ProChild CoLAB
Gabriela Trevisan | ProChild CoLAB
Natália Fernandes | IE/UM
Ricardo Freitas | EB1 Gondar
Rita Martins | Porta7

Learning is (a) +


  • Preparation, implementation and validation of a peer tutoring program for children in the 1st cycle (mixed classes).

Inês Guedes de Oliveira (coord.) | UAveiro
Teresa Freire (coord.) | UMinho

Gabriela Bento | ProChild CoLAB
Gabriela Trevisan | ProChild CoLAB
Mariana Carvalho | ProChild CoLAB

Learning is (a) +

ProChild kit(e) – Kids Transforming Education – Confined House

Promote the well-being of children and support the overcoming of difficulties generated by the pandemic context, through a set of educational tools for teachers, structured by themes and subdivided into activities, which aim to contribute to specific objectives:

  • Create/work/realize opportunities for the development of multiple competences in children.
  • Identify, support and refer children who experience emotional and behavioural difficulties, providing knowledge and useful strategies to act in these situations.
  • Create training opportunities for extracurricular activities teachers on socio-emotional skills and monitoring of children in a pandemic situation.

Inês Guedes de Oliveira (coord.) | UAveiro
Teresa Freire (coord.) | UMinho

Alexandra Ribeiro | ProChild CoLAB
Gabriela Bento | ProChild CoLAB
Gabriela Trevisan | ProChild CoLAB
Helena Grangeia | ProChild CoLAB
Mariana Carvalho | ProChild CoLAB
Marlene Sousa | ProChild CoLAB

Learning is (a) +
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