Neuroinflammation and mental health in the first years of life

Neuroinflammation and mental health in the first years of life

  • To identify the neuroinflammatory mechanisms that may relate exposure to contexts of adversity in the first years of life to the mental health of children during childhood.

Andrea Cruz (coord.) | ProChild CoLAB (until May 2022)
Isabel Soares (coord.) | UMINHO
Rui Godinho (coord.) | SCML

Adriana Sampaio | UMINHO
Ana Mesquita | UMINHO
Helena Grangeia | ProChild CoLAB
Leonor Bettencourt | ProChild CoLAB
Marlene Sousa | ProChild CoLAB
Paulo Freitas | INL
Stephanie Alves | ProChild CoLAB (until August 2022)

Neuroinflammation and mental health in the first years of life
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