“ProChild CoLAB: Digital technologies to combat poverty and social exclusion in childhood” in Smart Cities, Sustainable Cities magazine

“ProChild CoLAB: Digital technologies to combat poverty and social exclusion in childhood” in Smart Cities, Sustainable Cities magazine

We made headlines in Smart Cities, Sustainable Cities magazine!

The Executive Director of ProChild CoLAB, Ana Justino, describes the ProChild CoLAB and its activities with special focus in the role of the technologies, in a week in which the Children’s Day is celebrated and in which the children’s rights are on the global agenda. 

Read the full article (PT) 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/3GJlbAm

Don’t miss it!! 📌

“ProChild CoLAB: Digital technologies to combat poverty and social exclusion in childhood” in Smart Cities, Sustainable Cities magazine
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