Project collaboration (Coor: FPUL): Parenting and children’s adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Parenting and children’s adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • International consortium, with scientists from 5 countries, to conduct a study that aimed to characterize the mental health of parents and children, as well as risk factors and protection of mental health during the first wave of Covid-19 in Portugal, Spain, Holland, United Kingdom and Romania.

Ana Isabel Pereira (coord.) | ULisboa

Bogdan Tudor Tulbure | West University of Timisoara
Ioana Podina | Bucharest University
Luis Joaquín García López | University of Jaén
Luísa Barros | ULisboa
Marlene Sousa | ProChild CoLAB
Paul Stallard | University of Bath
Peter Muris | Maastricht University

Project collaboration (Coor: FPUL): Parenting and children’s adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic
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