Project in collaboration (Coord: Municipality of Guimarães) Monitoring the Guimarães Child-Friendly City Program (UNICEF)

Monitoring the Guimarães Child-Friendly City Program (Unicef)

Follow the Action Plan established by the Municipality of Guimarães to improve the development of a public policy of childhood oriented to social inclusion, the promotion of development and the realization of children’s rights.

Paula Oliveira | Câmara Municipal de Guimarães
Daniela Miranda | Câmara Municipal de Guimarães
Alexandra Cunha | Câmara Municipal de Guimarães
Manuel Sarmento | UMinho (Coord.)

Cindy Carvalho | ProChild CoLAB
Helena Grangeia | ProChild CoLAB
Gabriela Trevisan | ProChild CoLAB
Jaime Pereira | ProChild CoLAB
Mariana Carvalho | ProChild CoLAB
Marlene Sousa | ProChild CoLAB

Project in collaboration (Coord: Municipality of Guimarães) Monitoring the Guimarães Child-Friendly City Program (UNICEF)
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