Family Preservation and Reunification


Family Preservation and Reunification

  • Promote the preservation of the child in his natural environment of life, through the development, implementation and study of effectiveness of a Multisystemic Intervention Model with Families Signaled by Risk or Danger Parenting (MIM; when in the context of family reunification process – MIM-R).

Project Commission
Isabel Gomes | SCML – UIF
Isabel Narciso | FP-UL Lisbon (Coord.)
Isabel Soares | UMinho

Ana Polido | SCML – UIF Filipa Gonçalves | SCML – UIF
Joana Montez | SCML – UIF
Margarida Pita | SCML – UIF
Mariana Barata | ProChild CoLAB
Mariana Fernandes | ProChild CoLAB (until September 2022)
Diogo Soares | ProChild CoLAB (until September 2022)
Vera Lúcia da Silva Paço | ProChild CoLAB ( until August 2020)
Raul Sousa Martins | ProChild CoLAB (until July 2020)

Family Preservation and Reunification
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